Its that time again. When payday comes, I get all the essentials stocked up and ready for battle. Toiletries! I get them every two months. Ladies, I know you feel me. We don't use the same stuff on our hair, face and neither regions (beau: *rolls eyes*)
I get my toiletries from where I know sells cheaper than G***dian or W***ons. I save more than $50 every time I do my purchases.
Here's today's haul at Ocean (Chinatown):

Facial wash - Olay Total Effects Cream Cleanser (SGD4.90)

Essential Rich Premier Shampoo
Essential Rich Premier Conditioner
Head & Shoulders Anti Dandruff Shampoo (Use this once a week to strip off the week's gunk)

L'oreal Lumi Oil Number 2 - I still have a quarter of a bottle left, and will last me a few more months before I will have to buy it next. SGD12.90 (Retailing at SGD35-40 at salons. RIPOFF!)
(I remember saying that I used #3 in my previous post, sorry peeps, its #2 for rebonded hair)

Olay Total Effects SPF15 Anti Aging Moisturizer. Very important to moisturize you face if not you'll end up having premature wrinkles! You wouldn't want to have leathery skin on your face even with a hot body ok?

Neutrogena Deep Clean Scrub. Decided to give this a try once my L'oreal Whitening one finishes. SGD6.90

Rexona Deodorant. MUST HAVE. Me have sweaty pits. Me sweat like a man. Not nice. SGD3.60 (I bought the same thing for twice the price at the supermarket C**d St***ge. Basket!)

Pearlie White toothpase
Carefree pantyliners for g-strings SGD3.50 each pack
Ever since I found out that toiletries sold at Chinatown are so much cheaper, it makes it all worth to go down and stocking up for a month or two (or longer for some stuff such as eye cream and hair serums).
Ocean (toiletries Shop)
People's Park Market
3rd floor
Chinatown is well known to sell toiletries at a much lower price so go check it out and see how much you can save :)
I get my toiletries from where I know sells cheaper than G***dian or W***ons. I save more than $50 every time I do my purchases.
Here's today's haul at Ocean (Chinatown):
Facial wash - Olay Total Effects Cream Cleanser (SGD4.90)
Essential Rich Premier Shampoo
Essential Rich Premier Conditioner
Head & Shoulders Anti Dandruff Shampoo (Use this once a week to strip off the week's gunk)
L'oreal Lumi Oil Number 2 - I still have a quarter of a bottle left, and will last me a few more months before I will have to buy it next. SGD12.90 (Retailing at SGD35-40 at salons. RIPOFF!)
(I remember saying that I used #3 in my previous post, sorry peeps, its #2 for rebonded hair)
Olay Total Effects SPF15 Anti Aging Moisturizer. Very important to moisturize you face if not you'll end up having premature wrinkles! You wouldn't want to have leathery skin on your face even with a hot body ok?
Neutrogena Deep Clean Scrub. Decided to give this a try once my L'oreal Whitening one finishes. SGD6.90
Rexona Deodorant. MUST HAVE. Me have sweaty pits. Me sweat like a man. Not nice. SGD3.60 (I bought the same thing for twice the price at the supermarket C**d St***ge. Basket!)
Pearlie White toothpase
Carefree pantyliners for g-strings SGD3.50 each pack
Ever since I found out that toiletries sold at Chinatown are so much cheaper, it makes it all worth to go down and stocking up for a month or two (or longer for some stuff such as eye cream and hair serums).
Ocean (toiletries Shop)
People's Park Market
3rd floor
Chinatown is well known to sell toiletries at a much lower price so go check it out and see how much you can save :)